Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Winter 2009 Classes

Ceramics on the Wheel with Gina DeSantis
Jan. 19- March 23
10 weeks or two 5 week sessions
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Instructor: Gina DeSantis
Location: Art House, 3119 Denison Ave, Cleveland, OH.
216.398.8556. Contact Stephanie Kluk to sign up.

Class fee: $125 (5 weeks), $225 (10 weeks)
Class fee includes: 25lbs of clay, glazes, and firings.
All levels welcome.
Throw bowls and cups on the wheel. Or if you are more advanced, work on plates, teapots, and large bowls. Classes are small so this course is tailored for each individual. Enhance those thrown shapes with hand-built handles, spouts, and decoration. All clays and glazes are food, microwave, and dishwasher safe.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I will be missing in action for a few days from this blog. Holiday madness will take over. I also need to clean up the second bedroom to make it more efficient for cataloging, shipping, and photographing artwork. Then its off to the studio to clean up the mess I left while preparing for a whirlwind of holiday shows. I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.

In the meantime visit my flickr page to see some new photos.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Last Minute Reminder about the Cleveland Handmade Last Minute Market!
I will have super fantastic sales again. $20 Mugs (they usually retail for $22-30)
Clearance necklaces for $5. I have a discontinued line and I need to make space for new jewelry ideas for 2009.
Ornaments are all $8 except the large snowflakes. They are $12.
Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Last Minute Market!

Before I tell you about my last show of 2008 I must thank everyone for stopping by Bazaar Bizarre. It was my most successful show to date! During these crazy times it was a great feeling to have Clevelanders shopping and buying handmade! Also thank you to all of my new and returning etsy customers. I am doing my best to get everything shipped out USPS 2 day priority. Please order by this Friday, December 18th so that I can get everything out on time!

Cleveland Handmade is throwing a procrastinator's shopping event this Saturday, December 20th from 5-9 pm. Visit the google page kathy set up for all the info including a map.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

bazaar bizarre is this weekend. sat 12-9 and sun 12-6. located at 1300 w. 78th st.
over 60 vendors including moi! i have older work, newer work, lots of ornaments and some new and clearance jewelry. goodies at all prices. please stop by and say hello!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

I will be at Bela Dubby on Saturday from 10-5 selling my wares. Come visit Ruth and I and have a mocha or a christmas ale.

or both :)

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Monday, December 01, 2008

Bela Dubby Holiday Sale. Saturday, December 6th,11-5. Bela Dubby is located at 13321 Madison Ave, Lakewood, OH. Locally owned and operated. Its a great show to support a local business and local artists simultaneously!

If you like things on etsy and live local please note I will not have these pieces with me at shows. Drop me a line and I can bring them along. If you purchase online and want to pick them up that would be lovely!

Thank you to everyone buying handmade this season.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

things to do...

email the list about dec shows
mix glazes for my students
clean house to seem presentable and organized to my friends
grocery shop for non carby foods. mildly unpleasant.
spend less money.
paint living room.
clean dining room. there is a pottery overflow situation. and laundry hang drying. hot mess.
reorganize to list things on etsy and unlist things to unload at shows.
get lock for studio door to keep unwanted loiterers out. get a life. stalk someone your own age.
drink less caffeine. (love coffee, caffeine bad for health issues. such a pain.)
go to ny to stay in free digs and visit natalie.
get money to fly to ny.
fire kiln. coasters need to get finished!
go to sleep.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

new things on my etsy site. you can find me and my work next on saturday, december 6th from 11-5 at bela dubby in lakewood, ohio. but i have to duck out for awhile to help anne set up at twist for a holiday show she has organized. a group of great artists will have there work up that same evening from 6-10. half of the sales will go to the AIDS taskforce of Cleveland. please join us!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Check out the cleveland.com article featuring a great list of local shopping for the holidays. It features 2 events I will be in, MOCA's Artscape and the Bazaar Bizarre. Be sure to check out Cleveland Handmade's show at Mojos too. I can't be there but there will be lots of great work for purchase.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

the art house sale went well. thank you for stopping by. and of course the bake sale was yummy. i purchased a few things despite my diet. i have a soft spot for peppermint. mmm. i also met some new people. check out the following blog http://thegldc.com/blog/ for a lovely write up on the show and MOCA's ARTscape show. its this friday and saturday. please stop by!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lots to share. First of all please stop by Art House on Saturday from 11-5 for their annual holiday sale. Visit http://www.arthouseinc.org for all the info.

New places to find my work!

Planet Green in Rocky River is now carrying my work. They are located at 19056 Old Detroit Rd. This shop is amazing. It is a healthy mix of handmade items and commercial items all green, of course. Check out the gorgeous handmade furniture made from reclaimed lumber. Not to mention all of those green products smell amazing.

***Show Just Added!***Bela Dubby Holiday Sale. 11-5. Bela Dubby is located at 13321 Madison Ave, Lakewood, OH. Locally owned and operated. Its a great show to support a local business and local artists simultaneously!
Later in the evening you can find me and my work at Twist Social Club. My friend Anne is organizing a great holiday sale to benefit the AIDS taskforce of Cleveland. More info to come...stay tuned.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

things you could buy me for christmas. just sayin'.

Buy Handmade

This Saturday, November 15th from 11-5pm is the annual Art House Holiday Sale. Art House is a Cleveland non-profit organization that offers art course to adults and children in painting, ceramics, printmaking, silk painting, drawing, mixed media, etc. The show will have a variety of artists including both instructors and local artists. Its a small but high quality show. I hope you can join us. All of the info can be found at http://www.arthouseinc.org/.
3119 denison avecleveland, oh
p.s. i'm the ceramics instructor!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Art Show Etiquette, Pt. 2

I do not like to blog about bad experiences at shows for the sake of networking but I feel that artists get run over by their treatment at some shows. Some use the show circuit as a day job. For myself I just hope to someday have a nice secondary income. That being said, if a show is promoting itself its not worth my time. I'm over handing out cash to rent a table and donating to auctions to have the promoter make money off artists who aren't making money.

Here is where the etiquette comes in. If I am doing your show and there is no one shopping but vendors do not walk into my booth and tell me you think my displays are why work is not selling. First off all I am a visual merchandiser. This means I make money for stores by making them look pretty with window displays, table displays, etc. I've been doing shows for over 5 years so I know what makes my pottery look good. And that is minimal distractions around it. Suggesting to put up scarves and twinkle lights on my booth is not helpful and only costs me money I'm not making.

Second if no one is there to see a display it does me no good. I can't sell things or present things properly if I do not have an audience. Chotching up my table distracts from the fact that I actually make nice work. Also p.s. if you sell nutroll you will make a goldmine. The show ended at 4. I was pulling out of the parking lot at 4:07.

On that note I am looking forward to my next few shows because I know it will be handled with class and professionalism. I am sticking with the shows I know and the people I know in order to maintain my artistic sanity.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

I have my work at Commotion! in Lexington, Kentucky. My ornaments will be there through the Christmas season. Please stop by and check them out!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

my first show of the holiday season is this weekend. please visit the brecksville center for the arts for the brecksville heartfelt holiday show. i will be there with ruth sholtis-furyes and ann mcneill. its 2 days...sat nov 7 from 10-5 and sun nov 8 from 11-4. please stop by!

Monday, November 03, 2008


I am a member of two online collectives. The first is http://www.designstyleguide.net/.
Find us on etsy by searching for "interiordesignteam". This group of artists is targeted specifically towards interior designers. Visit my portfolio at http://www.designstyleguide.net/sellerPortfolio.php?mi=165.
Any wholesale inquiries can be directed to artzy_grl@yahoo.com

I am also part of Cleveland Handmade. (Etsy tag "clevelandteam").
This group is full of local artists in all mediums. Check out the website to see where and when you can find group members selling their handmade goods this holiday season.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

yeah. i'm in a very cleveland chilly treasury. thanks valerie!
its very appropriate given the weather outside. my studio was so cold. i trimmed at lightning speed. almost 40 pieces in 1.5 hours. record time. although it could have also been the hunger and prospect of a drink with my good neighbor emma. like dangling a carrot in front of a donkey. i always like a good night out for food with friends.

Monday, October 27, 2008

New ornaments. Here are the black Christmas trees. They were much fun to make. But I'm glad I only have to make them once a year. The carving can be fun but tedious. I am starting to list them on my etsy site but you can always email me if you would like to purchase some. Have a good night. Off to teach a new group of beginning students. Half new, half returning. It will be fun!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Coolest Website Ever!!!

I have a problem. I have two glazes that I adore as do my loyal customers but no way to mix more. I can't afford a scale or all the supplies and set up to mix them. Not to mention no space for this equipment. This place will mix your glaze right up for you! And you can get other glazes from other potters but your recipe is never revealed. How frickin' cool is that????

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

i am fancy.

i am in two treasuries. yeah me. thanks for including my work! the aqua bowl made it on the front page.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

no exciting updates...
i just wanted to say thank you to all that attended the open studio on friday night. we had a great time. i hope to begin hosting 2 open studios a year. also thank you to all of the artists in the building who helped me out!
in the meantime i need to get clay and make some new pieces. i think my work might be spread thin this holiday season. i have 4 shows in nov and dec and 2 new galleries representing my work as well as a gift shop. thank you to all for your continued support.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Tonight is the night! Artist Open Studio

October 17th from 6-9pm
Lake Erie Building (Lake Erie Screw Factory)
13000 Athens Ave
Lakewood, OH 44107
Any questions call 440.785.5409. I will not be near email much today. I have to set up. I hope you can join us this evening! Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I've been tagged by the lovely Valerie Tyler.

Le Rules:
Link to your tagger and list the rules
List 7 random facts about yourself
Tag 7 people
If you’re tagged, play along and pass it on!
7 random things:
1. I can light a gas kiln but I have no idea how to light the pilot light on my gas heater.
2. I am an only child. People find this fascinating. I find it peaceful.
3. My first major was graphic design which is what I am going to back to school for in the winter.
4. I am trying to kick my caffeine habit for health reasons. Its not going well. NOt GoiNG wEll at ALL.
5. I am Italian but only eat cheese on pizza. Or cheetos. My family must think I'm Canadian.
6. In high school I swore off clay because my clay flower project broke. A prime example that I spend my free time eating my words. At least I'm consistent.
7. I am obsessed with guacamole. I can't quite say when it started but Momocho has not helped the addiction. But it is much more healthy than my caffeine addiction.

Okay so I need to tag 7 people so you're it:
Mike Zellers
Bridget Ginley
Arabella Proffer
Shannon Okey
Ruth Sholtis-Furyes
Allyson Meier
Neighbor Emma!


art in use.

Monday, October 13, 2008

SALE THROUGH OCTOBER 25TH! Buy 2 items get the 3rd item free (of equal or lesser value). Convo me before purchase to receive discount. Shipping charges still apply to the free item.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

oldies but goodies
i am using the open studio at the lake erie building (lake erie screw factory) as a way to clean out my studio. i am having a seconds sale. seconds include older work that no longer reflects my current direction, experiments or pieces with minor flaws. most represent old work and experiments from grad school. i have about 4 boxes of seconds i am bringing to the studio this week. i have more at home still! help me clean out my studio and my inventory. i have work from $2-40 on sale and then my new, regular priced items of course! its a great way to get some nice christmas presents early in the season. i will also have lots of christmas ornaments!
see you friday 6-9 pm at 13000 athens ave!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

i have decided to relax a bit. i may not have as much new work for my open studio glazed but i have two new galleries showing my work starting in november and my ornaments will be done next week. i am in a good spot. on that note i decided that i would make soup from the left over veggies i had from my first pot of soup this week. so here is the first recipe. i will post the other soon. i like to make bowls but i also like to make yummy food to put in them. cold weather is soup season. its one of the only things i like about the cold.
italian sausage soup (basically like wedding soup with sausage instead of meatballs and some tomatoes thrown in for richness.) p.s. i hate to bake because it requires measurement so my recipe lacks specifics. just wing it. its more fun that way.
1 lrg can chicken broth
1 small can vegetable broth
carrots, celery, onion.
1 can diced tomatoes
ground sweet italian sausage
fresh garlic
oregano, black pepper, basil and a dash of dill and thyme
olive oil
orzo pasta
brown sausage then toss in onions, garlic then toss in olive oil.
after 2 minutes add celery and carrots.
wait another 2 minutes and add broth, tomatoes and everything else but pasta.
cook for about and hour.
boil pasta then drain and add to yummy soup.
bring to neighbor to share.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

up and down and back around again.

show calendar for 2008 ***updated
Friday, Oct 17th Lake Erie Building Open Studio. Come down to 13000 Athens Ave in Lakewood and see my studio as well as my talented neighbors.
Nov 8&9 (Sat and Sun) Brecksville Heartfelt Holiday
Saturday, Nov 15th Art House Holiday Sale
Nov 21&22 (Fri and Sat) MOCA Artscape Holiday Sale
Dec 13&14 (Sat and Sun) Bizarre Bazaar at the studios at w. 78th (aka the old 1300 gallery spot). same building. different location in le building.
i will be teaching classes this winter from my studio. i will be offering workshops in hand building clay and precious metal clay. please email me at artzy_grl@yahoo.com and i can add you to my class mailing list.
i have another class beginning at art house on oct 27th and there is still space. this is a beginning wheel throwing class.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

i am very excited to have another wholesale order under my belt. i am even more excited that it is a local business. its nice to have this area support its artists effectively. i hope you enjoy the ornaments. they have been a nice retreat to make.
i still have this open studio thingy coming up. i'm excited. but i have more to do. it won't all be done but nevertheless i'm excited to share my space with the community. please join us at the lakewood screw factory aka the lake erie building at 13000 athens ave, lakewood oh. check out the main site for more info http://www.ginadesantisceramics.com/
this shindig happens fri, oct 17th from 6-9.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Saturday, October 04, 2008

I was included in this lovely treasury on etsy. The curator has a very cool shop as well.

2 new (maybe 3 new) places to find my stuff in november! all in a day's work. i will let you know when exactly and where final plans are all hammered out. it was a nice day out on the town with ruth. we have paused and will continue with a night out on the town as well. its nice to see some positive energy coming back to me as most of this week was spent having it sucked away. i have an order to fill so i need to get that together as well as complete cleaning of my studio for the open house. its only 2 weeks away. time flies. i have the first round of ornaments firing. they should be really great when they are done.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Flickr: Your Photostream

two posts in one day. go check out my Flickr: Your Photostream
Tablewares by Lucie Rie and Hans Coper, c.1955
Porcelain with manganese slip and sgraffito decoration
after a rather frustrating day off i am trying to rearrange things in my head. things are changing quickly around me and i am trying to adapt. i am bad with change. i am centered in routine. above is an image of my favorite potter's work. i love lucie rie. i needed to be reminded of why i do what i do. off to go teach the kids. they remind me to not be so hard on myself. i like that.
p.s. if anyone out there has pottery wheels they want to get rid of drop me an email.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I can be found for the remainder of 2008 on IndieShopping.com's Fall Spotlight. Just click on the link above or visit the homepage and click on fall spotlight. They send out a great newsletter too. You should sign up. They highlight great indie artists without loading your mailbox with ridiculous amounts of spam.

Monday, September 29, 2008

the economy sucks. in honor of that i will give you 20% off any etsy purchase through Fri, Oct. 3rd. early christmas shopping never hurts. convo me with code "starving artist" to get the discount.

also i should mention the lovely new upgrades to my professional website by mr mike zellers. go to http://www.ginadesantisceramics.com to check it out.

Friday, September 26, 2008

purchase any item on my page and get a mug for $5. convo me with coupon code "clevelandgrl".
sale ends this saturday, sept 27th at midnight!

***shipping charges still apply.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

thank you a is for artistic for including me in this lovely treasury!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Tremont Art Festival is this weekend!
Sat Sept 20th 11-6pm
Sun Sept 21st 12-5pm
I will have new work but one of those sugar do-dads is for Kathy! I have some foxy new noodle dishes as well. Plants and blossoms are making there way onto my pots.
Mike Zellers, Ruth Sholtis-Furyes and Ann McNeill will also being joining me. Look for the Cleveland Art Cartel booth. Hope to see you there!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Early Warning.
Lake Erie Building Artist Open Studio .

Friday, October 17th from 6-9 p.m.
Located inside the Lake Erie Building at 13000 Athens Ave, 2nd & 3rd Floors
Lakewood, OH 44107

The artists of the Lake Erie Building are hosting a fall open studio. This building houses art studios on the 2nd and 3rd floors as well as local businesses. The Screw Factory artists participating include Gina DeSantis, Ann Onusko, Marc Konys, Marcy Herman, Achala Wali and M.C. Nagel. Gina will be joined by jewelry designer Ruth Sholtis-Furyes and painter Anne Linsky. For more information and a complete list of artists visit http://www.ginadesantisceramics.com/ or contact Gina DeSantis at artzy_grl@yahoo.com.

Links to the artists: