Monday, April 19, 2010

Last installment of the Strictly Functional Workshop...

Bill van Gilder was by far the most informative teacher I have ever learned from. I was amazed at his technique, handcrafted tools and simple yet elegant wood fired pieces. However I was even more pleased when he offered tips on teaching throwing. As an instructor for the past 6 years I took this workshop because I felt my teaching was becoming a bit stagnant. If I'm bored my students are probably bored. Right?!

Go to YouTube and search for Bill's videos. They are great resources I plan on passing onto my students. (You might know him from his tv show on the DIY Network or his book.)  I was inspired by all of the presenters but I must say that I think every potter should seek out the opportunity to learn from Bill.

Below is a pot that Bill threw then cut away to create handles. Below that is a thrown platter with an altered rim.

I I am now left to sort through my notes and figure out what to do next. With a New York trip  and open studio right around the corner these ideas will need to marinate until after May 1st. Hopefully I can wrangle my attention span and focus on something new and different.

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